"Publishing tools for boardroomradio.com required specific content extraction technology that can also perform automated search and query functions. SearchForecast?s technology underpins an important component of our website content provision and reporting by automating this function on a daily basis."

Bill Gair, CEO, boardroomradio.com

Business Challenge

boardroomradio.com, a leading web casting provider, required collection, storage and keyword discovery software tools to provide visitors with daily announcements from stock exchange listed organizations.

SearchForecast Solution

SearchForecast?s search extraction solution was selected for the ability to manage the process of thousands of daily searches for information and the collection of data into a consolidated database. SearchForecast development of XML standards based content extraction and retrieval technologies was chosen as boardroomradio.com could continue focusing on webcasting audio for clients whilst providing current information on the website ? allowing users to search for content on hundreds of stock exchange listed organizations.

Key Benefits for boardroomradio.com

  1. Outsourcing of content management providing additional resources to focus on core business.
  2. SearchForecast content optimization services were deployed to ensure content integrity and 24/7 monitoring and maintenance.
  3. Extraction reporting provides daily information on new content for senior management and sales teams.
  4. Provides a constant updated stream of content for search engine optimization.

For a demonstration of the managed content services and customer testimonials, please contact us today.

Ideas are not found, they are mined from advanced quantitative analytics filtering, created through words, inspired by sharing and captured through collaboration.