SearchForecast advises clients on how to optimize images across their site. Our SKUmatic solution helps clients optimize product images on Facebook for social media optimization. We have been helping clients understand Google+ and how to leverage Google’s social network for optimization of blogs and verified content via Google Authorship.
In a recent study, published on the Cornell University Library on what makes images go virual on Google Plus, there’s some insights I wanted to share:
1. Posts with fewer than 75 plusoners are more likely to contain images whereas posts with more than 75 plusoners are more likely to be text only.
2. Vertical images tend to be more viral and horizontal ones as they are more likely to contain a portrait of a celebrity than horizontal images.
3. Animated images are more likely to be re-shared while static images are more likely to be replied to or plusoned.
With every smart phone a camera for humans to express themselves and converse more in images, the importance of image optimazition is increasing.