Keywords Suggestion Tool – 1million keywords from AdSense websites

We did it…..Our crawlers collected the 1 millionth keyword from meta tags across the worlds largest websites which run AdSense (i.e Goolge advertisements). Our keen users of the Keyword Suggestion Tool can now enjoy more targeted keywords and have greater reach for their keyword research.

We slightly changed our reporting at so you can search on keywords and see the “Frequency” – that is, the number of AdSense websites that used the keyword.

I call this the “wisdom of the crowds” approach to synthesizing keywords -as the publishers running AdSense are generally more knowledgeable about which keywords drive traffic and conversion.

Open Door Policy on SEO Tools, Briefs and Videos

I decided this week to release more SearchForecast real time seo tools, SEO learning PDFs and a limited number of SEO video tips. The simplicity of these tools is really what clients want. With over 10,000 people now having used our “Real Times Scores” we have recently added 3 more scoring tools:

1. Online Reputation Management Score
2. Local Search Score
3. Video Optimization Score

With 1 in 5 search results having a video, image or blog – it is important website publishers understand the requirement to include Local and Video content on their website.

Please see our videos shot outside Facebook in Palo Alto, California